Mobile computing technology for seniors

Keeping your neighbourhood safe

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Every year in Australia, hundreds of families are affected by burglaries, trespassing, assaults and other crimes in their homes and neighbourhoods. Not only does this often result in significant damage and financial losses, but it also triggers severe emotional stress that can take months to overcome with the help of therapy. While today there are a number of ways to protect your own home from intrusion, including the installation of security measures and systems such as alarms, security screens and windows, CCTV camera networks, reinforced doors and more, few things can be as reassuring as living in a community where all residents collectively discuss their concerns and cooperate to safeguard everyone that lives there.…

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3 Ways to Prevent a Data Cable Disaster

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If you run busy commercial premises, your data cabling may be the last thing you worry about. However, if you do not take some basic steps to look after your data cables, they will eventually fail. When data cables fail, they really do become something to worry about. Do you want to face the prospect of not being able to access the internet, to check prices or process customer transactions? Below is a guide to 3 things you can do to prevent a data cable disaster.…

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The future of mobile whiteboards

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Gone are the days of chalk on dusty blackboards in the classroom. There was nothing wrong with blackboards per se, but after plenty of use it would become difficult to read the board, and usually they were stuck to the wall or the mobile versions were cumbersome—the opposite of all the benefits of using a mobile whiteboard. There are many benefits to whiteboards, which we’ll look at as well as investigate the many different versions available and how adaptable they are.…

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